26 Jul 2010

MELT! 2010

Photos I stole off friends' Facebook:

Quite an amazing and sleepless time, full of moving lights and hard beats and pretty people. Ahh and music.

And: Chris Cunningham! (director for the videos to Björk's All Is Full Of Love, the Horrors' Sheena Is A Parasite ...) A little example, different but about as creepy as his show at Melt!:

Chris Cunningham - Rubber Johnny

~darkeyes~ | MySpace Video

His performance both shocked and amazed me, it was disgusting and interesting to watch. He seems to make fun about nature and humankind, the images and lights and sounds he uses irritate on an obvious level but also confuse you so subconsciously, sneakily that sometimes when you think about it, you cannot even put your finger on what exactly grossed you out.
A highlight indeed - in my opinion. Even though it scared the shit out of me. A woman next to me started stroking my arm to calm me down...

+ another artist Ema sent me, absolutely stylish and beautiful and inspriring, nice mix of technique and creativity: